Friday, October 2, 2009

the cream rises to the top ...

my mom has a saying that the "cream rises to the top" referring, of course, to the fact that a good person will not go unnoticed forever ...

we tend to sometimes overlook the good person in favor of the "good looking" person ...that term "good looking" is the focus of dove commercials these days ... and not something i feel qualified to give discourse on ...

however, i have a few friends whose daughters are full of angst right now ... for those of you not there yet, it is the dreaded "homecoming" season ... girls across the nation are wondering if they will get invited to homecoming, if so, by whom ... how will they be asked ... some of the girls have expressed surprise that their friends got asked and they didn't yet ... ah ... now you see why the term the "cream rises to the top" has been on my mind ... girls that age don't realize that at some point in their lives they'll be appreciated for all their qualities, not just the external ones ...

back to my mom, it is her birthday on oct 5 and i will miss it and her ... as i get older, i am appreciating more and more those words of advice she dished out along with the sheppards pie at our dinner table ... at the time, such idioms were probably greeted with a roll of the eyes by yours truly ...

so today's blog is really just me "thinking out loud" ... wishing some of the girls would just decide on their own to go with friends to the homecoming dance and forget the "waiting to be asked" scene ...

i've been told that's not how it's done these days ...

but of course women haven't always been allowed to vote either ...

and now it's tea time ...


  1. Oh Beth, THANK YOU for thinking out loud and sharing such WISE insights... Though my perspective is the same, the poetic verbiage you use brings it home like no other...


    Linda B.

  2. ah ... thank YOU Linda ... your kind words make it all worthwhile ...
